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faisal hasan
08 de out. de 2022
In Discussões Gerais
Have you heard back from your doctor about your recent medical testing? If not, it is risky to assume that "no news" is good news. According to a recent study documented in the Archives of Internal Medicine, many patients fail to receive information about their medical test results, resulting in inadequate post-care, delayed treatment, and even misdiagnoses. And when misdiagnosed illnesses and delayed Doctor Information treatment becomes life-threatening for patients, it may fall under medical malpractice. If you are preparing to receive a medical test, or your doctor has recommended medical testing, be sure to get the facts straight before making any decisions. Asking the right questions can protect your health from any risks and put your mind at ease. Continue reading to review a list of ten important questions to ask your doctor before a medical test. Doctor-to-Patient Doctor Information Communication Most doctors' offices use a standard set of procedures to keep their patients informed about their medical records and testing, but these procedures can be easily forgotten or overlooked. The researchers of the study mentioned above recommend that all doctors' offices inform their patients of test results directly. This includes sending test results directly to the primary doctor, having the primary doctor sign off on the results, the primary doctor informing patients of all normal and abnormal results directly, instructing patients to call the Doctor Information office regarding test results if they do not hear back, and documenting that the patients have been fully-informed. Questions for Your Primary Doctor When it comes time to address the medical tests recommended by your primary doctor, the best questions are the ones that will give you the most important information. Keep your questions direct, and don't feel obligated to limit them to the ten recommended below. Ask as many questions as it takes to make you feel comfortable with your medical journey. Here are the ten suggested questions to start with: Why do I need to have the test? What information will the test give us? Is the test the Doctor Information only method of obtaining the information needed? Will it hurt? What are the benefits? What are the risks? What type of preparation is needed on my end? When will I find out the results? How will I be notified of the results? What steps come after the test results come back? Take note on your calendar of when you should expect your test results, and if you have not heard back from the doctor's office by that date, follow up with them yourself. You don't have to wait to hear back from them first. Especially if your life and health depend on it! If you believe your doctor wrongfully withheld medical test results that caused you injury, contact a medical malpractice attorney right away. They can defend your claim and Doctor Information recover legal remedies for your damages and losses. Take a closer look at the Archives of Internal Medicine Study mentioned in the beginning of this article. Call the law office of Craven, Hoover, and Blazek P.C. at 317-881-2700 to file a medical malpractice claim in Indianapolis, Indiana. Their seasoned personal injury lawyers offer free initial consultations and never collect fees unless they win your claim.
faisal hasan
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