You know you have techno-stress when you can't keep up with newspapers and letters that arrive at work and home. Cell phones fax list ringing in restaurants make you want to scream and your workload continues to mount as you are available 24 hours a day anywhere on the planet.Welcome to the age of technology. An age where computers and gadgets should free up our time but seem to rule us instead.Recent news stories have focused on the PAD - the Blackberry as the 'Crack-berry'. This was fax list first mentioned by L.A. Times reporter, Joe Robinson, author of Work To Live. He mentioned the addiction to this portable digital assistant as being similar to the feelings that a drug addict has to crack. Once a person uses this device, they can't stop checking fax list emails, phoning, writing and fidgeting with it.
Some business people go on vacation fax list and 'bring their office' with them. Is it any wonder they burn out?If you think I'm cutting down technology, you've missed the finely dilapidated point - these gadgets are great and can save us time, money and help us find information. The trick is to control them - not have them fax list control us.Take out a sheet of paper and quickly write down your biggest time wasters. These might include: email and spam sorting, fax machines, too much time on the fax list Internet, too much time to print a report, the list is endless...
Next, try these rules to introduce simplicity fax list into your life.For instance, you may be available for work by phone, fax and email from 8:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. every day from Monday to Friday. Nights and weekends are off limits except for emergencies.Before Arnold Schwarzenegger became Governor of fax list California, he and Maria Shriner decided to put on their answering machine from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm so they could have time for their family at home. This may be different now that he's governor, but I think you get the idea...Limit the number of times you look at e-mail. Choose early morning, mid-day and late afternoon to check for messages. Just think about fax list paper mail - you wouldn't check 20 times a day, would you?